Завантажити Star Trek: Of Gods And Men (2007) субтитри

англійськіанглійські субтитри

Ріп: DVDRip
реліз: RoCK&BlueLadyRG
автор: Frank Linzmaier
назва файлу: Star Trek Of Gods And Men.DVDRip.RoCK&BlueLadyRG.en.srt
розмір: 19.08 kb
розміщено: 31.01.10 18:47:30
кількість завантажень: 426
Compatible releases for these subtitles:
The author of this subtitle, Frank Linzmaier, created three separate files for the first release of this movie, that was a three webisodes series. Those three subtitles where in German. I, Jo The Veteran, took those three subs and edited them, in a way that they would fit in this DVD version of the movie. Keep in mind that I DIDN'T TRANSLATE any of it, i used GOOGLE TRANSLATE to do the job so it's full of grammatic/syntactic mistakes, also some lines are waaaaaay too long (the original subtitle was like that).
I did the editing part so please someone just take the sub and do a proper job out of it.
If i see a proper sub for this movie anytwhere, i will remove this one and post it instead.